Oman Hosts Esteemed Global Carrier Community Meeting GCCM Middle East 2023

Global Carrier Community

Muscat – The Sultanate of Oman, under the aegis of the Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel), proudly inaugurates the Global Carrier Community Meeting (GCCM) Middle East 2023. This prestigious annual gathering, taking place over two days, is an initiative of the Carrier Community based in Berlin, Germany, drawing over 600 industry experts from across the globe.

The convergence of more than 300 telecom operators, content providers, and supply chain entities from over 50 nations marks a significant milestone for the Sultanate in showcasing its position as a pivotal telecom hub in the region. GCCM Middle East 2023 serves as a critical nexus for industry leaders and decision-makers, facilitating an exchange of ideas, experiences, and prospects for collaborative ventures.

This year’s event encompasses an array of panel discussions on key industry topics, providing a fertile ground for discourse on the challenges and opportunities facing the telecom sector. In addition, it functions as an expansive network-building forum, where participants engage in business meetings, fostering relationships that spur innovation and commercial agreements.

Omantel’s hosting of GCCM Middle East 2023 underscores Oman’s dedication to enhancing its telecommunications infrastructure and amplifying its role in the international arena. As the industry converges in Oman, the event is set to be a hotbed for strategic deal-making, peer-to-peer learning, and a showcase of the latest advancements in the field of telecommunications.

With its focus on sectors ranging from international voice calls to data and SMS services, and encompassing submarine cable systems, satellite communications, and data centers, the GCCM Middle East 2023 promises to be a cornerstone event in setting future directions for the global telecom industry.

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