SLT-MOBITEL Launches Hybrid 5G Technology in Sri Lanka


In a significant technological leap forward, SLT-MOBITEL, the National ICT Solutions Provider, has proudly launched the first hybrid 5G model in Sri Lanka at the Techno Exhibition 2023. This innovative rollout combines Stand Alone (SA) and Non-Stand Alone (NSA) deployments, marking a substantial upgrade in the nation’s telecommunications landscape.

The deployment of this hybrid 5G technology means that SLT-MOBITEL is now prepared to deliver the full array of 5G capabilities to its customers, including Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC), which is crucial for critical applications in various sectors. This new technology is expected to vastly improve latency issues, allowing SLT-MOBITEL to meet the dynamically changing demands of its customers with increased efficiency and provide advanced features like Network Slicing, Quality of Service (QoS) Assurance, and Edge Computing.

With the implementation of the 5G (SA+NSA) hybrid network, SLT-MOBITEL is also positioning itself to seamlessly transition from the current 4G networks to the more advanced 5G networks, pending the commercial availability of 5G spectrum.

SLT-MOBITEL is not just stopping at introducing this technology; it’s bringing the experience closer to the Sri Lankan people. The company is actively extending its pre-commercial 5G trial zones to several major cities including Colombo, Kandy, Anuradhapura, Galle, and Jaffna. This expansion is part of a broader initiative to make 5G technology more affordable and widespread, promising a future where customers across Sri Lanka can enjoy the high-speed, low-latency benefits of 5G connectivity.

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