Workz Unveils Advanced eSIM Solution for IoT, Pioneering Greater Device Management and Market Reach

A futuristic technology landscape format image representing the evolution of eSIM technology in the IoT industry. The scene depicts a high-tech digital

Workz, a leading cloud-based eSIM specialist, has introduced a groundbreaking remote device management solution tailored for the Internet of Things (IoT) industry. This innovative platform is designed to overcome the limitations of traditional technologies, such as the restriction on network numbers and the extensive, expensive deployment processes.

Based on the GSMA’s forthcoming eSIM standard for IoT, SGP.32, Workz’s new solution offers several enhancements over conventional M2M (Machine to Machine) and multi-IMSI eSIM technologies. It enables broader market access by managing devices previously considered unmanageable, including those with limited power or without a user interface.

Additionally, the solution boosts update success rates by communicating with inactive devices—those that are switched off or out of network range. Workz has also integrated smart automation features to minimize the need for manual intervention in managing large device volumes.

The launch is timely, coinciding with a projected surge in the eSIM IoT market, which is expected to grow by nearly 700% in connections by 2028, according to Juniper Research. This anticipated growth has led many telecom companies to enhance their capabilities, with 60% upskilling their staff and more than half increasing their resources in preparation, as reported by the GSMA.

Since its establishment in 2021 as the first to offer a cloud-based eSIM management service, Workz has hosted over 100 telecom operators globally. Recognized by Counterpoint Research as a significant industry innovation, Workz continues to lead in eSIM technology.

Edwin Haver, CIO of Workz, remarked on the transformative potential of the new solution: “This is to IoT what the mobile phone was to the landline. It enables businesses to manage their devices more freely and cost-effectively, unlocking new possibilities for providers and businesses of all sizes.”

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