Telecom Egypt and Huawei Launch First Locally Based Public Cloud Platform in Egypt and Northern Africa

A modern data center with rows of servers and advanced networking equipment. The background features digital cloud icons and fiber optic cables glowing

In a significant move towards accelerating Egypt’s digital transformation strategy, Telecom Egypt, a leading communications and information technology service provider, and Huawei Cloud have collaborated to launch Huawei’s first locally based public cloud platform in Egypt and Northern Africa. This initiative aligns with Telecom Egypt’s goal to position Egypt as a premier regional digital hub, fostering the growth of cloud computing and digital services. It also highlights the commitment of both Telecom Egypt and Huawei to advancing Egypt’s digital era.

Enhanced Connectivity and Global Reach Hosting Huawei Cloud in Telecom Egypt’s data centers ensures seamless connectivity to over 60 countries worldwide. This is facilitated by more than 14 submarine cable systems, with plans to increase to 18 by 2025, alongside the extensive national reach to enterprises and SMEs within Egypt. Telecom Egypt leverages its vast network and expertise to integrate Huawei Cloud solutions with existing infrastructure, ensuring a smooth transition to the cloud and maximizing the potential of these advanced services.

Comprehensive Cloud Solutions Huawei Cloud offers over 240 scenario-based solutions and extensive professional services covering cloud construction, migration, utilization, and management. These solutions cater to the evolving business needs in Egypt, allowing users to focus on business innovation while benefiting from a secure and reliable cloud environment.

Commitment to Technological Advancement For over two decades, Huawei has established a strong presence in the Middle East and Africa. By introducing Huawei Cloud, Telecom Egypt and Huawei demonstrate their commitment to delivering cutting-edge technologies and services. This initiative aims to empower businesses across various industries, including e-commerce, live streaming, and the sharing economy, with advanced, reliable, and secure cloud solutions. The launch is also expected to create numerous job opportunities for youth in Egypt and many countries in North, West, and Central Africa.

Executive Insights Mohamed Nasr, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Telecom Egypt, expressed his excitement about hosting Huawei Cloud in Telecom Egypt’s state-of-the-art, Tier III certified data center located in the Smart Village Campus. This center is connected to EG-IX, an open-access internet exchange platform, and a fully meshed subsea and terrestrial network. Nasr emphasized that this collaboration marks a significant milestone in empowering businesses with cutting-edge technologies and supports Telecom Egypt’s vision of becoming a thriving global digital hub.

Mr. Jim Liu, Chief Executive Officer of Huawei Egypt, commented on the transformative impact of introducing Huawei Cloud in Egypt. He highlighted the platform’s role in establishing a strong foundation for industry digitalization, enabling various sectors to benefit from advanced intelligent engines. Liu also underscored the long-standing partnership with Telecom Egypt, aiming to accelerate the intelligent era and succeed in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Huawei Cloud’s Value Proposition Over the past four years, Huawei Cloud has focused on delivering advanced cloud services, providing local support, and fostering an open collaborative ecosystem. Its value proposition, known as “Three-building, Seven-operating, Safer Migration to the Cloud,” includes comprehensive disaster recovery plans, a robust 1+7 layer cloud-native security architecture, the Security Cloud Brain, and an intelligent cloud management architecture supporting up to Level 5 VDC management. These measures ensure a highly reliable, ultra-secure, and efficient cloud service experience for users, enabling Huawei Cloud and its partners to continue achieving significant results across various industries and shaping the future of the digital era.

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