IBM Completes Energy-Efficient Data Center for Telecom Egypt

A modern, energy-efficient data center featuring advanced technology and infrastructure. The scene includes sleek servers, cooling systems, and green

IBM has completed the construction of a major data center for Telecom Egypt, featuring its “Big Green” energy-efficient technologies. Telecom Egypt (TE), the largest provider of fixed-line telecom services in the Middle East with over 10.4 million customers, chose IBM to design and build Egypt’s most energy-efficient data center.

With Egypt’s economy experiencing strong growth, Telecom Egypt needed to expand beyond its existing office space to manage the increased demand on its telecommunications network and mission-critical operations. IBM Global Technology Services (GTS) site and facilities division designed the data center environment and will support TE in managing the facility’s operations.

“IBM’s long history and expertise with data center implementations enabled us to create a solution that saves energy and ensures efficient server performance for Telecom Egypt,” said Steven Sams, vice president of IBM Global Site and Facilities Services. “IBM’s solution is part of ‘Project Big Green’ and provides an efficient, reliable, and secure data center that will help Telecom Egypt maintain and improve customer satisfaction while becoming more energy efficient.”

Announced in May 2007, IBM’s Project Big Green is a $1 billion initiative to dramatically reduce energy use by IBM and its clients. The initiative includes new energy-efficient IBM products and services and a five-step approach to energy efficiency in the data center.

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