PTA, NCSW, and GSMA Collaborate to Bridge Digital Gender Divide in Pakistan

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), the National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW), and the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSMA) have joined forces to address the digital divide between men and women. Together, they organized a one-day workshop titled “Bridging the Mobile Gender Gap” at PTA’s Headquarters in Islamabad.

The workshop aimed to tackle the digital gender divide in Pakistan by bringing together stakeholders from the government and civil society to improve gender inclusion in ICTs. Key discussions focused on strategies to enhance women’s access to mobile technology and digital services, with an emphasis on creating inclusive policies and fostering a supportive ecosystem.

Chairman PTA, Maj. Gen. (R) Hafeez Ur Rehman, stated that this initiative is a vital step towards addressing the digital gender divide in Pakistan. He emphasized that the workshop marks the beginning of a collective journey towards a more inclusive and equitable digital future for all.

In her keynote address, Nilofar Bakhtiar, Former Federal Minister of Women Development Department and Ex-Chair of NCSW, underscored the critical need for digital inclusion of women, highlighting that gender equality in the digital realm is essential for economic and social development.

Julain Gorman, Head of APAC GSMA, highlighted the importance of leveraging global expertise and collaborative efforts to tailor solutions specifically for enhancing women’s inclusion and empowerment in Pakistan.

Participants engaged in interactive sessions, exploring best practices for empowering women through mobile technology and ensuring their participation in the digital economy. The workshop also featured successful case studies from other countries that have made significant progress in bridging the mobile gender gap.

Representatives from the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Defense, Universal Services Fund, Ministry of Human Rights, and other government and private entities participated in the workshop.

The event concluded with the distribution of certificates to the participants and shields to the GSMA and NCSW officials, recognizing their contributions to this important initiative.

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