Morocco Achieves Top Tier Status in 2024 Global Cybersecurity Index by ITU

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has placed Morocco in the highest category of its 2024 Global Cybersecurity Index, marking the country as a global role model in telecommunications security. Morocco joins an elite group of nations such as the US, Germany, and Japan, demonstrating its strong commitment to cybersecurity. The index, which ranks countries based on legal, technical, organizational, capacity building, and cooperation measures, awarded Morocco a score of 97.5 out of 100.

Morocco’s scores include perfect marks in legal, organizational, and cooperation measures, reinforcing its status as a leader in cybersecurity. The ITU noted that Morocco’s comprehensive efforts to secure its digital landscape are in line with the best international practices, placing it alongside 45 other nations in Tier 1, the ‘Role Model’ category.

With this achievement, Morocco not only leads within the Arab world but also emphasizes its dedication to advancing cybersecurity, a crucial element of modern governance. Despite its top-tier ranking, the ITU highlights that there is always room for improvement, encouraging continuous refinement in cybersecurity measures.

The Global Cybersecurity Index reflects a growing global emphasis on digital security, with 46 countries now achieving Tier 1 status, up from 21 in 2021, showcasing a worldwide shift towards more robust cybersecurity frameworks.

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