DCO Secretary-General Highlights Global Digital Divides at UNGA Summit of the Future

During the UNGA79 Summit of the Future in New York, Deemah AlYahya, Secretary-General of the Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO), emphasized the multifaceted nature of the global digital divide in her speech. AlYahya discussed the challenges of digital intelligence, computing capabilities, gender disparities, and skills gaps that hinder equitable technological access and development.

Following the adoption of the ‘Pact for the Future’ and the ‘Global Digital Compact’ by the UN General Assembly, AlYahya warned that the disparities in AI and computing are becoming significant barriers. She pointed out that while some nations excel in AI innovation, others are lagging, exacerbating the gender digital divide and leaving many without essential digital skills.

AlYahya commended the Global Digital Compact for creating a visionary framework for a fair and secure digital future but stressed the necessity of converting these ideals into concrete actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

At the summit, AlYahya proudly introduced the Digital Economy Navigator (DEN), a DCO initiative providing detailed analytics on the digital economy performance of 50 countries. This tool assesses three key areas: Digital Enablers, Digital Business, and Digital Society, across ten pillars using data from over 27,000 survey participants and secondary sources.

Additionally, on the sidelines of the UNGA, the DCO signed agreements with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to boost digital cooperation and with the League of Arab States (LAS) to enhance the digital economy, sharing knowledge and fostering economic development.

These developments underscore the DCO’s commitment to bridging the global digital divide by empowering youth, women, and entrepreneurs through digital innovation and cooperation among its 16 member states. The DCO continues to work towards a digitally inclusive world where all nations and individuals can thrive in the digital economy.

For more details on AlYahya’s speech, the full keynote can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/gSwxP4ZTdeI.

About the Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO):
Founded in November 2020, the DCO is the first international intergovernmental organization dedicated to fostering an inclusive and sustainable digital economy globally. It brings together ministries of communications and information technology from 16 countries, focusing on leveraging digital growth to enhance economic and social prosperity. Through strategic partnerships, the DCO aims to facilitate digital transformation and ensure equitable opportunities in the digital age.

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