Robi Axiata has announced the appointment of M Riyaaz Rasheed as its acting CEO, effective from February 1, 2025. Rasheed, currently the company’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO), was named to the role following the reassignment of Rajeev Sethi to a new position within Axiata Group, as confirmed in a letter sent to the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission.
Sethi, who took over as CEO in October 2022, replaced Rasheed, who had been serving as acting CEO since August 2021 after the resignation of Mahtab Uddin Ahmed. Prior to joining Robi, Sethi served as the CEO of Ooredoo in Myanmar and also held the CEO position at Grameenphone.
As of November 2024, Robi had 57.1 million mobile subscribers in a market of 187.8 million users, according to the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission. Robi currently ranks second in the country, behind market leader Grameenphone, which has 84.5 million subscribers.