Two prominent players in the Digital Assets Lab of the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC), SettleMint and The Hashgraph Group (THG), have entered a strategic partnership aimed at accelerating the adoption and impact of distributed ledger technologies (DLT) and digital assets. The partnership seeks to make DLT more accessible for global organizations and drive widespread adoption across industries.
The QFC Digital Assets Lab, launched in September 2024, aims to provide a comprehensive ecosystem for innovators to develop, test, and commercialize cutting-edge solutions utilizing digital assets and DLT. This collaboration marks a significant milestone for the Lab, reinforcing Qatar’s position as a leader in emerging technologies and contributing to the nation’s goal of becoming a regional hub for digital innovation.
SettleMint, a blockchain transformation company, and THG, a Swiss-based international business and venture capital firm, are focused on leveraging Hedera’s energy-efficient DLT platform to integrate Web3 solutions. Their joint efforts will contribute to Qatar’s vision of establishing a thriving Web3 ecosystem, supporting advancements in asset tokenization, decentralized finance (DeFi), and on-chain finance.
The QFC Digital Assets Lab is facilitating collaboration and driving innovation by bringing together top companies to foster sustainable growth and contribute to Qatar’s 2030 digital strategy goals. This partnership highlights the potential of the Lab to shape the future of digital assets and DLT, fostering a dynamic, diversified economy in the region.