CRA Launches Public Consultation on the Review of Qatar’s ICT Competition Framework

Doha, March 11, 2025: The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) has launched a public consultation related to the current review of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Competition Framework which was initiated in 2024 and will run until 2026. CRA invites all stakeholders to submit comments and feedback to the related Consultation Document by March 23, 2025.

Through this Competition Framework review, CRA seeks to promote fair competition, protect consumers’ rights, and support the long-term strategic development goals for Qatar’s ICT sector. This effort aligns with CRA’s commitment to enhancing transparency and accountability, ensuring a fair regulatory environment that supports innovation and drives sustainable growth in the sector. The Competition Framework review comes in response to global market trends and technological advancements. It is consistent with CRA’s strategy, Qatar National Vision 2030, the Third National Development Strategy 2024-2030, and the Digital Agenda 2030.

The Consultation Document mentions two key aspects of the current review and update of the framework, including proactive ex-ante measures to promote competition and investment and protect consumers’ interests by applying rules and regulations to dominant telecom Service Providers, and also ex-post policy review to address anti-competitive practices as they arise in the broader ICT sector, ensuring that all Service Providers offer consistent, efficient, and consumer-focused services.

CRA’s approach to updating the framework involves a comprehensive, evidence-based mechanism with broad stakeholder participation. This collaborative approach aims to establish a clear and flexible regulatory environment that adapts to evolving market demands, fosters sustainable growth, and delivers added value to consumers and businesses, strengthening Qatar’s global digital leadership.

CRA invites all stakeholders to share their insights and experiences to ensure the final framework reflects the sector’s needs, addresses current challenges, and effectively capitalizes on future opportunities. Stakeholders can submit comments and feedback via email to ra************@cr*.qa , where all incoming feedback will be carefully reviewed.

The consultation document is available on CRA’s website via the following link:

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About CRA:

CRA regulates the telecommunications, information technology, and postal sectors, as well as access to digital media in the State of Qatar. CRA works to ensure that government institutions, companies, and individuals in the country have access to a wide range of innovative, advanced, and reliable services. It applies all its regulatory powers to promote competition in the sectors it regulates while also working to protect consumer rights.

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