Possible Internet Service Downgrade for UAE du Users Due to Undersea Cable Cut

DUBAI – Internet users in the UAE, particularly those on the du network, may experience a potential slowdown in services following a disruption caused by an undersea cable cut between Dubai and Oman. The telecom provider du confirmed the incident in an official email statement.

“We are issuing this statement to inform our customers of a potential degradation in Internet services due to an international submarine cable cut that occurred at 7:45 AM on February 21. The disruption is linked to the undersea FLAG cable between Dubai and Oman,” the statement read.

The extent of the impact remains uncertain, but the telecom operator noted that users might encounter “some slowness, particularly during peak times.”

To mitigate the effects of the cable cut, du is rerouting Internet traffic through alternative cable systems.

“Although the situation is beyond our control, we are actively working with the relevant parties to ensure a swift resolution. According to the cable operators, repairs have already begun, and we expect performance to return to normal within a few days.

“We apologize for any inconvenience caused and are committed to providing further updates on the measures being taken to restore full service capacity,” the company added.

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