Pakistan’s Telecom Sector Generates Over Rs2.5 Trillion in Revenue, Contributing Significantly to National Taxes

Pakistan’s telecom sector generated Rs2.521 trillion in revenue over the past decade, with major operators contributing Rs763.81 billion in taxes. Jazz led the industry, followed by Zong and Nayatel, underscoring the sector’s crucial role in supporting the economy through substantial tax contributions and meeting the country’s communication needs.

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Nepal Telecom, Agriculture Development Bank, and Citizens Investment Trust Announce Dividends for Shareholders

Nepal Telecom (NT), Agriculture Development Bank Limited (ADBL), and Citizens Investment Trust (CIT) have announced dividend payouts for their shareholders. NT has proposed a 30% dividend, CIT 13%, and ADBL 10.53%. NT’s revenue decline has been attributed to reduced voice call usage due to OTT services and increased competition.

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