A vibrant scene showcasing the partnership between Madayn and Sadad Electronic Payment Gateway. The image features self-service payment machines at Ma

Madayn Partners with Sadad to Enhance Electronic Payment Services for Investors

Madayn has partnered with Sadad Electronic Payment Gateway to introduce electronic payment services for investors and business owners. This agreement includes installing self-service payment machines at Masar Service Centres, promoting digital transformation, and enhancing user experience. The partnership also involves training national cadres and providing maintenance opportunities for SMEs.

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A dynamic scene showcasing Vodafone Egypt's deployment of Ericsson's triple-band radio. The image features a modern telecommunications tower with the

Vodafone Egypt Deploys Ericsson’s Triple-Band Radio for Network Modernisation

Vodafone Egypt, in partnership with Ericsson, has deployed a triple-band radio supporting 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G across multiple spectrums. This innovative technology reduces equipment, enhances network performance, and lowers energy consumption by up to 15%, marking a significant step in Vodafone Egypt’s network modernization and capacity expansion efforts.

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A dynamic scene depicting international connectivity between Italy and Tunisia. The image features undersea fiber optic cables, modern data centers, a

Sparkle Partners with Tunisie Telecom to Enhance International Connectivity

Sparkle and Tunisie Telecom have partnered to provide International IP Transit services from Sicily to Milan. This agreement enhances Tunisia’s connectivity to Europe with a high-performance, low-latency route, meeting the growing demand for advanced internet services and digital content, and strengthening the historical partnership between the two companies.

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