NRTC, Allied, and Tech Valley to Launch Chromebook Assembly Line in Pakistan

A vibrant assembly line in a modern factory setting, with workers assembling Chromebooks. The background features logos of NRTC, Allied, and Tech Valley

The National Radio & Telecommunication Corporation (NRTC), Allied (an Australian-based manufacturer of Chromebooks and Gaming PCs), and Tech Valley have announced plans to form a joint venture to establish a Google Chromebook assembly line in Haripur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. This initiative aims to provide equitable access to education for all, following the National Education Emergency declared by the Prime Minister of Pakistan for out-of-school children.

A Letter of Understanding (LoU) was signed by the Federal Minister of Education and Professional Training, Pakistan, and representatives from Google for Education, formalizing their shared intention to establish the joint venture.

Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, the Federal Minister of Federal Education and Professional Training, strongly supported the initiative. “Through this partnership, we can create Chromebooks customized for our education budget, empowering our youth with this transformative technology. I am confident that this partnership will not only equip our schools with affordable Chromebooks but will also unlock unimaginable scale, and the government is here to support it.”

This initiative aligns with the federal government’s focus on advancing Pakistan’s economy and technological advancements, particularly in education, echoing the priorities set forth by the Prime Minister.

Colin Marson, Director of Google for Education JAPAC, expressed excitement about the local Chromebook manufacturing in Pakistan. “This initiative aligns with our commitment to supporting equitable access to quality learning for children across the globe. We believe that technology, when harnessed effectively, can be a powerful catalyst for educational transformation.”

Muhammad Asim Ishaque, Managing Director of NRTC Haripur, highlighted the potential benefits of the joint venture. “This partnership with Allied and Tech Valley has the potential to create jobs, stimulate the local economy, and play a vital role in bridging the digital divide within Pakistan.”

Aron Saether-Jackson, Chief Executive Officer of Allied, expressed the company’s commitment to the project. “Allied is dedicated to supporting the development of Pakistan’s education sector. This joint venture presents a fantastic opportunity to equip Pakistani students with affordable and high-quality Chromebooks.”

Tech Valley, as a Google for Education Partner in Pakistan, will serve as the system integrator, connecting schools with Chromebooks and providing training. Umar Farooq, CEO of Tech Valley, emphasized the importance of the collaboration. “By making Chromebooks more accessible and affordable through local production, we aim to empower Pakistani students with the tools they need to thrive in the digital age. This collaboration marks an important step towards bridging the digital divide and fostering a brighter future for Pakistan’s youth.”

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