Mercy Corps and Queen for Change Launch Tahammul Platform to Combat Climate Change in Jordan

A launch event scene with a digital platform display showcasing climate change information. The background features elements like greenery, water, and

Mercy Corps and “Queen for Change” have introduced the Tahammul (resilience) digital platform, designed to provide essential information on climate change in Jordan. Mercy Corps Jordan Country Director Darius Radcliffe emphasized that the platform will be a critical tool for fostering cooperation, improving resource allocation, and ensuring transparency in climate action efforts.

The launch event on Thursday featured two significant dialogues. The first focused on securing climate financing to enhance Jordan’s resilience. Experts highlighted the need to demonstrate the impact of existing projects, improve financial management capabilities, design sustainable financing mechanisms, and effectively attract and direct future climate funding.

The second dialogue centered on building Jordan’s resilience to climate change. Participants discussed the importance of policies addressing water scarcity, drought, and desertification. They also explored how technology and data-driven solutions can aid in formulating effective climate strategies. Additionally, the dialogue stressed the need to protect vulnerable groups and promote behavioral changes to enhance sustainability.

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