In a surprising turn of events, WhatsApp users in Oman reported being able to make audio and video calls through the app without the need for a Virtual Private Network (VPN) starting early Wednesday morning. This marks a significant shift in the country’s long-standing restrictions on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, such as WhatsApp, which previously required VPNs to function.
Local residents have expressed their excitement over the newfound convenience. “I called my friends using WhatsApp this afternoon – it worked perfectly. It’s a great convenience,” said K Rahul, a sales executive based in Muscat. Other users also confirmed seamless connections for both local and international calls.
Despite the widespread reports, the Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRA) of Oman has not yet officially announced any changes to regulations that would enable this feature. The TRA has previously shown openness to allowing VoIP services as long as they comply with the country’s licensing and legal requirements. It remains unclear whether this change is a temporary technical modification or a permanent shift in policy.
For now, the news has been met with enthusiasm, as many residents hope the access remains unrestricted. Analysts suggest that this development could signal a broader move toward embracing digital communication technologies in Oman, in line with regional trends, though WhatsApp calls remain banned in some other countries in the region.