RIYADH, KSA, 3rd February, 2025 – Nutanix (NASDAQ: NTNX), a leader in hybrid multi-cloudcomputing, today announced that Yelo, a leading Saudi Transportation Solutions company, hasoverhauled its infrastructure based on Nutanix solutions. The technology implementation hasresulted in 99.99% database availability, 20% and 30% reductions in database response timeand latency respectively and ensures fast and consistent customer service. Automation hasstreamlined database patching, reducing vulnerabilities and safeguarding customer andorganizational data. Database consolidation has enabled 50% reduction in monthly cloud costs,while simplified maintenance has further slashed Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).There are good reasons why Yelo has been recognized as Saudi Arabia’s best transportationsolutions provider. By making every customer experience as relevant and personalized aspossible, the company aims to impress customers at every step. Yelo works to ensure thatbookings, registration, pickup, drop-off, payments, and support are not just part of the process,but part of a seamless digital experience, that is tailored to fulfil the customers’ need.Unsurprisingly, digital technologies are central to this mission. Empowering its customers to zipseamlessly across its regions of coverage therefore requires that its digital data can do thesame. However, the company’s fragmented database environment, which relied on multipledatabase engines across on-premises and cloud data centers, made this a challenge.“My team was expending considerable effort on system maintenance which stifled scalabilityand impeded innovation, all while weighing us down with considerable costs,” explainedAbdelrahim Alhanbali, IT Director, Yelo.Backed by a comprehensive Proof of Concept (PoC) carried out by Nutanix, reports by leadingmarket analysts and a long list of highly satisfied Saudi reference customers, Yelo decided thatNutanix was the ideal technology partner. The company implemented everything – from thevendor’s cloud platform and virtualization solutions to its storage management and databasemanagement platforms.“Standardizing on a single vendor immediately eliminated all the complexity we previouslyfaced. Consolidating our databases on Nutanix cut our monthly cloud bill in half. And the manyIT manhours won back translated to further TCO reduction,” said Alhanbali. Offering examples of just how dramatic these reductions in IT management overheads havebeen, Alhanbali said, “Thanks to the powerful one-click provisioning feature, Nutanix hasslashed database provisioning time from two weeks to just 90-minutes. Similarly, with one-clickpatching, updating 50 databases, which previously took over a month and a half, now takes usunder a week.”Equally impressive have been the performance improvements Yelo has experienced since themigration. With database throughput soaring by over 30%, response times and latency havebeen reduced by 20% and 30% respectively. Simultaneously, database availability now exceeds99.99% and concurrent user support has surged by an impressive 40%. “In more tangibleterms, this means that when a customer walks into any branch across our expansive network,they can be registered, select the ideal vehicle for their price and preferences, and proceed withthe necessary paperwork and payments in the most efficient way. These intuitive experiencesextend to our all-in-one app for which the Nutanix Database Service works invisibly in thebackground to give customers the convenience they need instantly, at their fingertips,” saidAlhanbali.Nutanix Database Service has also automated patching, reducing the time it takes to patchdatabases by 5x. “The nature of our business necessitates the handling of sensitive customerdata – from contact information and drivers’ licenses to payment details and location-baseddata. Having our systems always up to date goes a long way in keeping this valuableinformation securely vaulted which underpins the trust our customers place in us,” saidAlhanbali.Alhanbali highlights how the top-quality of Nutanix’s solutions are perfectly complemented bythe world-class support his team receives. “Whenever we raise a ticket, their support engineersare readily available with precise resolutions. Additionally, their support ethos goes beyond justaddressing immediate issues. Nutanix proactively monitors our systems, providingrecommendations for optimization, and offering guidance on best practices. This proactivity hashelped prevent potential problems and optimize our infrastructure for performance andreliability,” he said.Looking out to the horizon, Alhanbali states that in addition to migrating additional databaseworkloads to Nutanix, Yelo is assessing how it can leverage the vendor’s support to unlock thefull potential of its rich data stores. “We are especially interested in Nutanix’s capabilities in AI,machine learning, and analytics as this can help us go the extra mile in gleaning insights fromdata, improving decision-making processes, and driving further innovation and enhancementsfor our customers,” he concluded.
Yelo Enhances Speed and Quality of Customer Services While CuttingCosts by Standardizing on Nutanix