Cloudflare to Showcase Cutting-Edge Connectivity Cloud at LEAP Saudi 2025

RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA, 4th February, 2025: Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET), the leadingconnectivity cloud company, today announced its third consecutive year of participation, atLEAP, the global platform for the most disruptive technology professionals, taking place inRiyadh between 9 – 12 February. The company will present its innovative Connectivity Cloudand suite of products and services designed to empower businesses and accelerate digitaltransformation.As Saudi Arabia continues its rapid digital evolution, Cloudflare is committed to playing a pivotalrole in the country’s technological advancement, providing advanced solutions to enhancesecurity, speed, and performance across all sectors. At LEAP, Cloudflare will showcase its fullrange of solutions, including robust application and network security, cutting-edge SecureAccess Service Edge (SASE) and Zero Trust models, and its revolutionary Workers platformthat enables AI companies to build powerful, scalable tools and services.Cloudflare has long been a leader in AI-powered infrastructure, and attendees will experiencefirsthand how the company’s technology is helping businesses harness the true potential ofArtificial Intelligence.“Cloudflare’s commitment to artificial intelligence goes beyond buzzwords — AI is in our DNA,”says Bashar Bashaireh, VP Middle East, Türkiye & North Africa at Cloudflare. “From the verybeginning, Cloudflare has been a pioneer in embedding machine learning and AI across itsproduct offerings. This approach has led to the development of our AI Inference Platform, nowpowered by an expanded GPU infrastructure that delivers faster inference, larger models, andsuperior observability. The platform is designed to meet the demands of modern AI, enablingorganizations to deploy more complex AI applications with low-latency, global accessibility. WithGPUs deployed in over 180 cities around the world, Cloudflare’s Workers AI platform offers oneof the largest global footprints for AI inference, ensuring that customers can process AI tasks asclose to the end user as possible, all while maintaining security and data privacy. This allowsbusinesses to deploy AI models and services with incredible speed and efficiency.”Cloudflare invites visitors to LEAP for a demo of the Connectivity Cloud, a robust networkdesigned to accelerate digital transformation. This comprehensive infrastructure is capable ofoptimizing applications, enhancing network security, and simplifying the deployment of AI-drivensolutions. A team of experts will be on hand to explain the full suite of offerings, includingCloudflare’s Workers AI solution, designed to make it easier than ever to build, deploy, andscale AI applications.Cloudflare is committed to supporting Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and its ongoing efforts toembrace digital transformation. With Cloudflare’s world-class infrastructure, local businesses inSaudi Arabia can ensure high-performance, low-latency applications, secure access tonetworks, and seamless deployment of AI applications to drive innovation across all industries.As the Kingdom continues to push forward with initiatives that foster technology, Cloudflare is
proud to be at the forefront, helping businesses modernize their operations with the best-in-class connectivity, security, and AI tools.Trade attendees interested in a meeting, can visit Cloudflare@LEAP at Booth H3 C50..

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