Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 11th February, 2025 – IFS, the leading technology provider of enterprisecloud and Industrial AI software, today announced a strategic partnership with Saudi BusinessMachines (SBM), a leading provider of end-to-end enterprise information technology solutionsin Saudi Arabia. Together, IFS and SBM are making significant investments into expanding thealready existing market footprint of IFS solutions in the kingdom that will create jobs andopportunities for local talent and enable Saudi enterprises to compete on a global scale using thelatest and most advanced Industrial AI technology, IFS.ai.With SBM’s market experience in technology solutions across four decades and IFS’s industrydepth and expertise in Industrial AI and enterprise software, the new partnership commits touphold their shared values and commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences anddriving proven returns on investment. SBM will expand their IFS practice into Aerospace &Defense, Energy Utilities & Resources, Manufacturing, Construction & Engineering,Telecommunications and Service industries and offer an array of services to IFS customersincluding business consulting and customized technical support offerings.At the heart of the partnership is a joint investment in local Saudi talent covering areas such assales upskilling training and IFS certification program for young graduates. This talent pool willhelp in contributing to the Kingdom’s digital modernization efforts and add value to the skilledworkforce.Simon Niesler, Chief Revenue Officer at IFS, said, “We see tremendous opportunity in SaudiArabia and are focused on delivering our Industrial AI and enterprise cloud solutions to align withthe Saudi Vision 2030. The country is making rapid progress in modernization and diversifyingthe economy through world leading digital transformation, infrastructure development andinnovation. It is only fitting that we partner with the Kingdom’s leading technology solutionsprovider, Saudi Business Machines, to establish a dedicated Saudi-based IFS practice. This willenable us to leverage their local talent and strengths to accelerate growth in the region and gaina competitive edge.”
Fadhel Al-Shaikh, Vice President-Business Tech. Solutions at SBM, said, “This strategicpartnership between Saudi Business Machines and IFS leverages SBM’s 40+ years of IT technologyexpertise in the Saudi market alongside IFS’s cutting-edge enterprise solutions.We are fully aligned with the Kingdom’s ambitious Vision 2030 goals, particularly in drivingdigital transformation and promoting innovation across all sectors. Together, we will empowerSaudi organizations to reach unprecedented levels of operational efficiency and excellence.”About IFSIFS is the world’s leading provider of Industrial AI and enterprise software for hardcorebusinesses that make, service, and power our planet. Our technology enables businesses whichmanufacture goods, maintain complex assets, and manage service-focused operations tounlock the transformative power of Industrial AI™ to enhance productivity, efficiency, andsustainability.IFS Cloud is a fully composable AI-powered platform, designed for ultimate flexibility andadaptability to our customers’ specific requirements and business evolution. It spans the needsof Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Supply ChainManagement (SCM), and Field Service Management (FSM). IFS technology leverages AI,machine learning, real-time data and analytics to empower our customers to make informedstrategic decisions and excel at their Moment of Service™.IFS was founded in 1983 by five university friends who pitched a tent outside our firstcustomer’s site to ensure they would be available 24/7 and the needs of the customer wouldcome first. Since then, IFS has grown into a global leader with over 7,000 employees in 80countries. Driven by those foundational values of agility, customer-centricity, and trust, IFS isrecognized worldwide for delivering value and supporting strategic transformations. We are themost recommended supplier in our sector. Visit ifs.com to learn why.About SBM:Saudi Business Machines (SBM) is the leading provider of comprehensive enterprise IT andtelecommunications solutions in Saudi Arabia and serves as the General Marketing and ServicesRepresentative of IBM in the Kingdom. SBM delivers innovative technology solutions acrossvarious industries, supporting clients’ digital transformation and aligning with Saudi Arabia’sVision 2030. The company is structured to be flexible and adaptive to evolving customer needs,with expertise in implementing major ICT solutions in the region.SBM offers a wide range of enterprise solutions across all industry segments, further enhancedby its extensive portfolio of services in networking, systems integration, consultation,implementation, business recovery, and operations support. Additionally, SBM providescustomized maintenance and support services for a diverse array of products.
IFS Strategic Agreement with SBM Highlights Commitment to Growthin Saudi Arabia