Nokia Bell Labs and Aramco Partner to Propel Industry 4.0 in Saudi Arabia

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Nokia Bell Labs, the prestigious research division of Nokia, has joined forces with the world’s preeminent energy company, Aramco, under a non-binding research and development collaboration agreement. This partnership is set to foster the development and application of digital use-cases in key industrial sectors within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and extend its benefits globally.

In a significant boost to Aramco’s newly launched Digital Company, the memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Nokia aims to fast-track the digital transformation across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and worldwide. The union is poised to capitalize on the respective technological advancements of each company, enhancing digital applications across various industries such as oil and gas, utilities, mining, manufacturing, and logistics.

Anticipated to collaborate closely on R&D, the companies will together craft joint proof-of-concept solutions and undertake the validation of these technologies in actual field deployments. This strategic move is set to expand industrial automation applications, exploring new possibilities for enterprises and industrial processes. Additionally, the partnership aims to nurture a robust ecosystem around 5G and upcoming technologies, integrating avant-garde solutions pivotal for the future landscape of industrial sectors.

Nabil Nuaim, Senior Vice President of Aramco Digital & Information Technology, conveyed enthusiasm for the collaboration with Nokia’s renowned research division, emphasizing the alliance’s role in driving industry digitalization and enhancing the skillset of the national workforce. “This MoU is a leap forward in revolutionizing our industrial capabilities, embedding innovation at the core of our operations during this digital era,” he stated.

Echoing this sentiment, Thierry E Klein, President of Bell Labs Solutions Research at Nokia, remarked on the shared dedication to propel industrial innovation and co-develop sophisticated industrial use-cases. “Our partnership with Aramco is a testament to our commitment to lead through innovation and collaborate with top-tier ecosystem partners. We’re excited to co-create pioneering solutions that not only present new industrial opportunities in Saudi Arabia but also have the potential to redefine industrial operations on a global scale,” Klein said.

This synergy between Nokia Bell Labs and Aramco stands as a testament to their shared vision of enhancing industrial productivity and sustainability through digital transformation, setting a precedent for Industry 4.0 advancements both within the kingdom and on an international level.

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