Digital Dubai Gains Significant Interest at Gitex Africa 2024

A vibrant, bustling exhibition hall at Gitex Africa 2024, with various pavilions showcasing advanced digital technologies. People from different countries

Digital Dubai garnered significant attention for its projects presented by various Dubai entities, embodying its vision of making Dubai a global benchmark for digital city building, at Gitex Africa 2024, recently concluded in Marrakech, Morocco.

The Dubai Pavilion at the exhibition attracted numerous official government and private sector delegations from Morocco and various other African countries, along with global visitors.

During his visit to the Dubai Pavilion, Aziz Akhannouch, Prime Minister of Morocco, praised Dubai’s advancements in digital transformation and expressed admiration for the emirate’s latest programs, projects, and plans in this field.

Strengthening Emirati-Moroccan Relations

In the presence of the Prime Minister of Morocco, several ministers, and senior officials, Hamad Al Mansoori, Director General of Digital Dubai, delivered the official speech on behalf of the UAE during the opening of the second edition of Gitex Africa. He emphasized the importance of the deep Emirati-Moroccan relations and the opportunities to strengthen partnerships in digital transformation.

Engaging Sessions and Workshops

The Digital Dubai delegation actively participated in various workshops and sessions. Younus Al Nasser, Chief Executive of Dubai Data & Statistics Establishment, participated in a panel discussion on the AI Everything stage. Dr. Moza Suwaidan, CEO of Digital Applications and Platforms Sector at Digital Dubai Government Establishment, took part in another panel discussion on the Main Stage. Hend Al Nuaimi, Director of Digital Products at Digital Dubai Government Establishment, led discussions on interoperability at the Moroccan Pavilion.

Al Mansoori remarked, “We are pleased with Dubai’s distinguished presence at Gitex Africa 2024, an event that is gaining increasing momentum and receiving great global attention. This momentum is reflected in visitors’ interest in Dubai’s achievements displayed on our platform, which aligns with our vision of making Dubai a global benchmark for digital city building. Our participation allowed us to interact with numerous delegations from different countries and those interested in digital transformation from Africa and around the world.”

Investment Opportunities

“Gitex Africa opens wide doors for investment opportunities in the digital field, particularly in developing human resources competencies and skills. This can be achieved by providing the younger generation with opportunities to acquire knowledge, learn about the latest digital technologies and smart solutions, and by exchanging knowledge, experience, and ideas on harnessing disruptive solutions in sustainable city development.”

Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, health, and education were among the top topics dominating discussions and presentations, with more than 1,400 exhibiting entities, companies, and delegations from over 130 countries participating.

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