Oman Strengthens Cybersecurity and Advances Digital Transformation in 2023

A vibrant scene depicting Oman's digital transformation and cybersecurity efforts. Include elements such as modern technology icons, 5G towers, AI sym

The Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Information Technology (MTCIT) managed over 460 cybersecurity incidents in 2023, highlighting Oman’s commitment to safeguarding its digital infrastructure. The annual report, “2023 Digital Indicators in ICT Sector,” revealed the National Digital Forensic Laboratory resolved 241 cybercrime cases, while the Threats Notification and Alert Service issued 86 alerts to preempt potential security threats.

Oman’s digital landscape saw significant activity with over 30 million electronic transactions and more than 3.5 million electronic certificates issued, reflecting the growing reliance on digital solutions for government services. The telecommunications sector reported investments of about RO227 million and revenues of approximately RO805 million, with an impressive Omanisation rate of 94%.

Investment in Artificial Intelligence (AI) exceeded RO31.2 million, with MTCIT launching six pilot AI projects and publishing 76 research papers, underscoring Oman’s engagement with advanced technology. The startup ecosystem flourished with 48 new registrations, showcasing a vibrant entrepreneurial landscape.

Oman’s space technology initiatives also advanced, with investments reaching US$155 million in 2021 and the establishment of three specialised centres for space science, positioning the country for future exploration and innovation.

Infrastructure development included the deployment of 4,566 5G stations nationwide, enhancing connectivity and supporting next-generation network services. Muscat led this expansion with 1,680 stations, followed by North Batinah with 720, Dhofar with 532, South Batinah with 491, and Dakhliyah with 344 stations among other governorates.

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