Orange Jordan Empowers Students with Career Opportunities through University Job Fairs

A vibrant and engaging university job fair scene, with students interacting at various booths. The Orange Jordan booth stands out with modern displays

Orange Jordan is committed to shaping the professional futures of students and helping them explore optimal career paths by sponsoring and participating in a series of job fairs recently organized at several Jordanian universities. At these events, students and participants were introduced to career opportunities available at Orange Jordan, as well as the digital programs they can join to enhance their skills and embark on their professional journeys.

As the Exclusive Telecom Partner, Orange Jordan sponsored job fairs held at the University of Jordan, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, and the Hashemite University. The company showcased the benefits of joining its digital programs, including the Coding Academy and the Fabrication Lab. Additionally, Orange Jordan participated in career days at the German University and the Jordan University of Science and Technology.

These collaborations are part of Orange Jordan’s strategic partnerships with Jordanian universities. The aim is to enable students and graduates to access the labor market, stay informed about best practices related to job applications, and develop their technical and soft skills.

At Orange Jordan’s booth, students learned about the company’s programs, initiatives, products, and services. They also discovered how to join the Coding Academy and the Fabrication Labs to enhance their programming skills and unleash their creative ideas. This exposure helps widen their professional options to include innovative paths such as entrepreneurship.

Orange Jordan emphasized its strong belief in the importance of supporting university students, which aligns with its vision of social responsibility and its ongoing efforts to promote digital education. The company expressed gratitude to Jordanian universities for their constant cooperation and dedication to providing young men and women with the best opportunities to transform their academic experiences into valuable contributions to the Jordanian market.

These participations are a continuation of Orange Jordan’s mission to support the academic sector, offer students pathways to enter the labor market, and bridge the gap between labor market requirements and educational outcomes.

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