Morocco’s Telecommunications Sector Continues Robust Growth in 2024

Morocco’s telecommunications sector has shown strong growth in the first half of 2024, reflecting the country’s ongoing digital transformation. According to data from the Directorate of Studies and Financial Forecasts (DEPF), the total subscriber base reached 59.8 million, a 5.2% increase compared to the same period last year.

The mobile phone market played a significant role in this expansion, with mobile subscribers growing by 5% to 56.8 million, resulting in a penetration rate of 152.1%. This indicates that, on average, there is more than one mobile subscription per inhabitant, up from 146.2% the previous year.

Fixed-line subscriptions also saw a rise, increasing by 7.6% to 2.9 million. Meanwhile, the internet subscriber base grew by 6.9%, surpassing 39.1 million and pushing the internet penetration rate to 104.8% as of June 2024.

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