iGA Partners with Beyon Connect to Launch Enhanced eKey System in Bahrain

A modern digital interface showcasing a secure eKey system with features like facial recognition and AI integration. The background includes a sleek,

Bahrain’s Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) has partnered with Beyon Connect, a subsidiary of Beyon Group, to launch an enhanced eKey system. Originally introduced in 2012, the single-sign-on eKey system enables secure access to eServices through Bahrain’s National Portal (bahrain.bh) and other digital channels, eliminating the need for repetitive personal data entry. The system has been regularly improved to meet international security standards and enhance user experience.

This new partnership underscores iGA’s commitment to fostering digital innovation and advancing eServices in Bahrain. By integrating advanced features, technologies, and artificial intelligence, the enhanced eKey system aims to offer citizens and residents simpler, more secure, and private access to digital services, thereby enhancing their overall digital experience.

The partnership agreement was signed by Information & eGovernment Authority CEO Mohammed Ali Al Qaed and Beyon Digital CEO Shaikh Mohamed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa at iGA’s premises in Muharraq, with senior executives from both entities in attendance. The agreement outlines the launch of a new eKey single-sign-on system, providing users with secure and seamless digital services and identity verification. Additionally, a mobile app for the eKey will be launched and made available on the eGovernment App Store Bahrain.bh/apps as well as iOS/Android stores.

The app will utilize facial recognition and AI technology to enhance security, streamline registration processes, and eliminate the need for in-person visits to service centers. The enhanced eKey system will unify secure access to both public and private sector services requiring digital verification, improving security and user experience for customers.

Al Qaed emphasized that the partnership aligns with government directives to enhance public-private sector cooperation and invest in technology to improve government processes and service quality. He noted that this agreement marks a crucial milestone in Bahrain’s journey toward building a comprehensive digital society. The system’s role in enhancing security, enabling user control of their data, and promoting transparency was also highlighted.

He further emphasized the significance of digital systems and initiatives implemented by iGA and the private sector in supporting Bahrain’s comprehensive digital transformation. This includes the launch of the advanced and secure “Know Your Customer” system, improving security, trust, and reliability for all users.

Beyon Digital CEO Shaikh Mohamed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa described the partnership as a momentous occasion, expressing delight in enabling a national eKey system that adheres to the highest levels of efficiency and security, providing substantial advantages for citizens and businesses in both the public and private sectors. He highlighted that this development is crucial for a flourishing digital society and will lay the foundation for the next generation of digital services in Bahrain.

Beyon Connect CEO Christian Rasmussen expressed excitement about the collaboration, emphasizing the project’s significance and its alignment with Beyon’s strategy to deliver innovative services. He looks forward to the transformative changes the enhanced eKey system will bring to the range and quality of digital services.

The new system is expected to be launched by the iGA and Beyon Connect by the end of the year, following the completion of all necessary procedures. This will ensure that government entities, citizens, and private sector companies can benefit from this service.

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