In Collaboration with KAUST and “Garage” CST Announce the Registration for the Space Tech Entrepreneurship Incubation Program

A vibrant scene depicting the Space Tech Entrepreneurship Incubation Program, featuring a rocket launch, innovative tech prototypes, and a group of di

The Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and “Garage” announce the registration for the Space Tech Entrepreneurship Incubation Program. This program aims to attract new investments, and promote national capabilities, as well as support innovation and expanding research and development in the sector. 

The 6 months program is part of the Space Entrepreneurship project which includes 4 key phases, starting with a hackathon that brings together innovators to solve the sector’s technical challenges, followed by a training bootcamp to develop solution prototypes in collaboration with experts, moving to the incubation phase that provides financial support to enter the space market, and establishing the Space entrepreneurship communities. 

CST invites whoever interested and experts to register through the program page, noting that the  registration requirements are: provide a solution to one of the space sector challenges, register by establishing a startup based in the Kingdom or a pre-existing company, and offer a prototype includes an innovative solution. 

The program is part of CST’s efforts in developing a solid infrastructure that support entrepreneurs, while enabling innovation, supporting national competencies and utilize international expertise.  

Register In The Program​​​​

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