Opensignal’s Latest Report Highlights 5G and Download Speed Performance in GCC Markets

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Opensignal has evaluated the mobile experience of users in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) markets, comparing it to neighboring regional markets in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA).

Key Findings:

  • 5G Download Speed:
  • Saudi Arabia ranks third for 5G download speed among comparable markets in the EMEA region.
  • Qatar leads with the fastest average 5G download speeds in its group, followed by Kuwait and Bahrain in third and fourth place, respectively.
  • All GCC markets, except Oman (195.8Mbps), have average 5G download speeds above 200Mbps.
  • Download Speed Experience:
  • In Group I, Saudi Arabia and Oman perform well, placing seventh (43.2Mbps) and eighth (41.9Mbps), respectively.
  • In Group II, Kuwait ranks sixth (67.3Mbps) and Bahrain ninth (58.2Mbps).
  • Year-on-Year Improvements:
  • Users in Kuwait, Oman, the UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia have seen overall average download speeds increase by 5-44%, with Kuwaiti users experiencing the largest improvement and Emirati users the smallest. This rise is largely due to increased 5G adoption across the GCC.
  • Progress in 5G download speed scores has been mixed, with notable increases in Bahrain (16%), Qatar (15%), and Oman (4%).
  • GCC Capitals:
  • Users in Kuwait City enjoy the fastest overall download speeds.
  • Doha, the capital of Qatar, boasts the fastest 5G download speeds.

A total of 57 markets were analyzed in this comparison, with 35 included in 5G market comparisons. For meaningful comparisons, EMEA markets were categorized by land area: Group I (greater than 200,000km²) and Group II (below 200,000km²).

Opensignal also explored year-on-year changes in average 5G and overall download speeds observed by users in GCC markets and examined download speeds in GCC capitals.

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