Orange Jordan and NRC Launch Digital Skills Training Program for Youth in Irbid

A vibrant scene at a digital skills training program in Irbid, Jordan. The setting includes a diverse group of young people learning programming and d

Orange Jordan and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) have partnered to launch a digital skills training program targeting Jordanian youth in Irbid Governorate. This initiative follows the recent signing of a strategic agreement between the two organizations. Orange has announced that registration is now open for the program, which aims to expand the company’s CSR efforts and reach more beneficiaries across Jordan.

The program, part of the ‘Najahna – Our Success’ project, is designed to boost the economic empowerment of both females and males. It focuses on enhancing skills in programming and digital manufacturing, which are increasingly important in today’s job market.

The three-month training, offered free of charge, will take place at the Coding School and the Fabrication Lab at the Orange Digital Village in Irbid. Participants will acquire skills that will enable them to access the labor market and keep pace with the digital world.

Orange Jordan emphasized the significance of this program, highlighting its focus on essential digital topics and skills such as programming languages, website development, and entrepreneurship. The training also aims to build both technical and soft skills, preparing participants for a successful professional journey upon completion.

Interested individuals can register for the program through the following links:

The ‘Najahna – Our Success’ project, funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation in collaboration with Plan International Jordan, is a youth empowerment initiative for Syrian refugees and other conflict-affected youth. It focuses specifically on adolescent girls and young women in Jordan, employing a “gender transformative” approach.

For more information, please visit Orange Jordan’s website.

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