Sri Lanka to Draft National Cyber Security Act Amid Rising Social Media Use

A modern governmental meeting room in Sri Lanka, featuring high-tech digital screens displaying cyber security data. The setting includes Sri Lankan o

The Sri Lankan government is set to draft a National Cyber Security Act in May, according to State Minister for Technology Kanaka Herath. Speaking at a press conference at the Presidential Media Center, Herath highlighted the urgency of the act, noting that Sri Lankans hold 74 million social media accounts, underscoring the heightened need for robust cyber security measures.

Alongside the cyber security legislation, an amendment to the Telecommunications Regulatory Act, which has not been updated in 28 years, will be presented to parliament. This is part of a broader initiative under the newly approved National Digital Strategy 2030, which aims to enhance cyber and data security, protect privacy, and promote digital services for financial sectors and small to medium-sized enterprises.

The government is also planning to introduce regulations for undersea cables, an area currently lacking formal oversight. These steps are part of Sri Lanka’s commitment to fortifying its digital infrastructure and safeguarding its citizens in the digital age.

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