Orange Jordan Launches Digital Inclusion Catalogue for Persons with Disabilities

A vibrant scene depicting a modern technology showroom in Jordan. The showroom is designed to be accessible for people with disabilities, featuring di

In celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day on May 16, Orange Jordan has unveiled its digital inclusion catalogue as part of its “Differently Abled, Definitely Enabled” initiative. This comprehensive guide highlights the services and privileges offered to persons with disabilities in Orange Jordan’s showrooms. Available in Arabic and English, the catalogue is accessible with sign language translation and a text-to-voice feature for visually impaired users.

The catalogue includes information on devices designed to assist elderly people and persons with disabilities, helping them navigate the services available at Orange showrooms. Additionally, the SignBook application service is featured. The catalogue is also accessible online under the CSR section of Orange Jordan’s website.

Orange Jordan’s launch of this catalogue underscores its commitment to digital inclusion, reflecting the company’s belief that empowering and involving all individuals digitally is essential. The catalogue aims to enhance the experience for people with physical, visual, and hearing disabilities.

This initiative aligns with other programs Orange Jordan has implemented to support persons with disabilities, including a sponsorship agreement with the Raneen Foundation for the “Raneen Club for Audio Stories” project and the launch of the free-call initiative (114) with the Public Security Directorate.

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