Pakistan’s State Minister Advocates for Youth Empowerment Through Technology

During the launch of the State of Youth Entrepreneurship Ecosystem report in Islamabad, State Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication, Shaza Fatima Khawaja, emphasized the critical role of technology in societal and economic development. She highlighted the necessity of equipping Pakistan’s youth with cutting-edge technological skills to keep pace with global advancements.

Minister Khawaja pointed out the transformative impact of technologies like artificial intelligence, which are reshaping industries worldwide. She also noted that innovations such as Meta AI have been launched in Pakistan ahead of global releases, showcasing the capabilities of Pakistani youth.

Under the guidance of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, the government is focused on fostering a robust startup ecosystem and advancing national digitization. This includes digitalizing government operations, the economy, and societal interactions. The minister also discussed the goal of establishing digital identities for all citizens to improve their quality of life and interaction with government services.

Highlighting the shift towards digital payments, even among street vendors through platforms like EasyPaisa, Khawaja underscored the importance of fintech in formalizing the economy. She asserted that the government envisions the private sector as a driving force behind this digital transformation, which is expected to enhance capacity, stimulate demand, and create job opportunities for the youth.

Concluding her remarks, Khawaja expressed optimism about the digitalization process, emphasizing its potential to simplify lives and significantly benefit Pakistan’s economy and society.

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