AI Revolutionizing Key Global Industries

A futuristic depiction of AI technology revolutionizing various industries. The image should include elements representing healthcare (robotic surgery

Around the world, major industries are undergoing transformative changes thanks to the power and adaptability of artificial intelligence (AI). From enhancing flight path efficiency to monitoring crops with AI-assisted drones and metaverse-based immersive learning, here are five key sectors at the heart of the AI revolution, according to a release by MBZUAI.

Healthcare AI is poised to have a large-scale impact on the healthcare industry. MBZUAI is engaged in over 20 ongoing or upcoming health-related research projects with partners such as Malaria No More, Quris-AI, Aspire, Infinite Brain Technologies (IBT), Abu Dhabi Health Co, and Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City. To consolidate these efforts, the university launched the Institute of Digital Public Health (IDHP) this year, aiming to advance transformative AI advancements and solidify the UAE’s vision of becoming a global hub for AI and a center for life sciences.

AI is revolutionizing healthcare by streamlining administrative tasks, enhancing diagnostics, and personalizing patient care. Machine learning tools, in particular, can analyze vast amounts of medical data—from patient records to CT scans—to identify patterns and predict diseases, leading to earlier detection and more effective treatments. Recently, MBZUAI partnered with The Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DoH) and Core42 to launch the Global AI Healthcare Academy, providing AI training and upskilling to the Emirates’ healthcare workforce.

Aviation In the aviation industry, AI is optimizing operations, improving safety, and enhancing the passenger experience. Airlines are using AI algorithms to predict maintenance needs, optimize aircraft use, and reduce delays.

Last year, MBZUAI and Etihad Airways, the national airline of the UAE, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly develop initiatives and conduct research into how AI could transform key aspects of the aviation sector. As part of the agreement, both organizations will establish joint training programs and explore research opportunities. Etihad Airways was also a launch partner of Jais, the world’s most advanced Arabic large language model (LLM).

Agriculture AI technologies are being used to increase crop yields, enhance food security, and optimize resources in agriculture. AI-powered drones can monitor crops, detect diseases, and identify nutrient deficiencies early, enabling targeted interventions. Machine learning algorithms can analyze weather patterns and soil data to provide insights for precision farming.

MBZUAI is partnering with Silal, an agri-food company based in Abu Dhabi, to bring AI innovation to agriculture and food production. This agreement supports the creation of a joint AI Center of Excellence, with the potential to expand the UAE’s food production sector and increase sustainable practices.

Education AI is reshaping education by personalizing learning experiences, automating administrative tasks, and creating new learning environments. Adaptive learning platforms use AI to tailor curriculum and materials to each student’s needs and pace. Virtual tutors and chatbots provide instant assistance and feedback.

MBZUAI’s Metaverse Centre (MMC) is researching AI-enabled metaverse virtual teleportation solutions that could expand education by allowing children in remote areas to attend school virtually in immersive 3D environments. The university is also exploring ways to create bespoke avatars and 3D content.

Energy In the energy sector, AI is optimizing operations, increasing efficiency, and promoting sustainability. AI also requires substantial power to operate. MBZUAI is pioneering sustainable AI at scale, researching ways to reduce AI’s energy consumption. The university developed the AI Operating System (AIOS), which significantly reduces AI computing energy costs by making models smaller, faster, more efficient, and less reliant on expensive hardware. AIOS speeds up computing operations involved in training and serving AI models, further reducing training time. Additionally, researchers are working on an array of open-source, on-device, or efficiently trained LLMs.

Smart grids leverage AI algorithms to monitor and manage energy distribution in real-time, optimizing loads and reducing energy wastage. A team at MBZUAI is developing AI solutions for smart energy grids using federated learning to train machine learning models. This technique enables the models to learn about energy usage habits of millions of users without compromising data privacy, significantly increasing the efficiency and reliability of energy distribution.

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